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Masterclasses and workshops

At Performers Theatre Company, part of our vision is to 'give our young people the chance to work with industry professionals through workshops and masterclasses'. We believe it to be hugely important that children, whether they are enrolled at Performers or not, are given experiences that allow them to work with professionals that have differing experiences, ideas and skills from our teachers; it adds further thrill and excitement for our children and widens their horizons. 


Performers will aim to offer regular workshops/masterclasses throughout the academic year to all children (enrolled or not). 


BEHIND THE SPOTLIGHT: A Parent's Guide to the Performing Arts 🎬

On Saturday 15th March (10-11:30am), we are delighted to be welcoming back professional actress Jessica Blake who will be leading an informative talk for our parents/carers and young people aged 13 and over about the performing arts industry.

Does your child wish to pursue a professional career in the performing arts and you are unsure of where to start?

Are you looking for an agency and simply do not know where to look or what to look for?

Have you heard of Spotlight but do not fully understand how it works?

Then this is the perfect workshop for you! Learn all about Spotlight, Tagmin, headshots, CVs, showreels, agents and commissions, the journey of how things are cast, casting etiquette and expectations, how to self tape and working regulations for child actors.

This is FREE to parents/carers of Performers Theatre Company and our young people aged 13+.

Book your space below!

Behind the Spotlight Parent Guide.png

Behind the Spotlight Registration

Sister Act Workshop with Lizzie Bea - Saturday 17th May 2025


The FABULOUS Lizzie Bea will be returning to Performers Theatre Company on Saturday 17th May 2025* for a SISTER ACT workshop! 

THREE workshops will take place over 6 hours for the following age groups:

Juniors - Years 3-6 (12-2pm)
Seniors - Years 7-13 (2-4pm)
18+ (4:15-6:15pm)

Spaces will be limited and are ONLY £20!

Please register using the form below. You will then be added to our booking system ClassManager (if you are not already on there) and an invoice will be sent. 

*This date is subject to change depending on Lizzie's professional duties and commitments.

Sister Act Registration

Workshop group

Past workshops

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PERFORMERS THEATRE COMPANY LIMITED is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 13847969.


The registered office is at 1 Lavant Close, Waterlooville PO8 8BQ.


Copyright © 2025 Performers Theatre Company

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